In 2022, a series of events were organized, including a Duck Race, Fish & Chip suppers, a Ladies’ night, a social evening, and an open day, which were followed by a table-top sale, a quiz night, and a Cornish supper in the evening.
WM Bro. Terry Simmonds, together with his wife, family, friends, and members of the Duke of Cornwall and other members within the Province of Cornwall, raised a total sum of £4,253.30 for the Cornwall Air Ambulance.
This was made possible through their collective efforts and participation in the events. During the December 2022 Carol service, WM Bro. Terry Simmonds was pleased to present the charity with a cheque for the amount they had raised.
The Cornwall Air Ambulance received the donation with gratitude, which will undoubtedly help support their life-saving work.