Lodge Number: 7936
Date of Warrant: 11 September 1963
Address of St. Gluvias Lodge
Masonic Hall
New Street
TR10 8EB
Meeting days and times
Meets on the second Tuesday from September to May (incl.) at 7:00 p.m.
(Installation - December)
Secretary's Details
Leslie Johns – "Little Treviades" The Level, Constantine, Falmouth, TR11 5PU.
Telephone : (01326) 341334
Email Address : 7936@pglcornwall.org.uk
From the east and north…
On the A39 at the Treluswell roundabout take the first exit, the B3292 (the old A39 on map), signposted ‘Penryn Local Services’. Continue down the hill (ignoring the sign to ‘Penryn Town Centre’) past the traffic lights into The Praze and Church Road, then into Commercial Road. The Hall is on the right on the corner of New Street.
From the west…
On the A394 at the double roundabout, take the Trelivier Road signposted ‘Penryn’ and go through the Town Centre. At the bottom of Quay Hill, turn left at the traffic lights into Commercial road and the Hall is on the left on the corner of New Street.
There is some roadside parking in Commercial Road. For the two public car parks, go along Commercial Road towards Church Road for about 80 yards, then turn left just before St. Gluvias Street and left into Lower Street.