Lodge Number: 7422
Date of Warrant: 07 September 1955
Address of St. Mellyon Lodge
Mullion Cove Hotel
TR12 7EP
Meeting days and times
Meets on the second Wednesday from October to April at 6:30 p.m.
(Installation - December; on the second Friday)
Secretary's Details
Alan Gilbert - 88 Unity Park, Plymouth, PL3 6PN.
Telephone : (01752) 777739
Email Address : 7422@pglcornwall.org.uk
Drive through the village towards Mullion Cove, before you reach the cove take a turn to the right and go up the hill. You will find the Hotel on your right at the top. There is plenty of free parking.
We always welcome visitors to our lodge but it is essential that visitors who wish to join us at the festive board book a meal with the secretary.